How to Cook Fish Sticks in Microwave?

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Fried, grilled, or baked fish sticks are all wonderful. What if you don’t have time or don’t have access to an oven? Many people would like to know how to cook fish sticks in the microwave. When you’re late, they are a great way to get a quick meal.

How to Cook Fish Sticks in Microwave?

Can you microwave fish sticks? Yes, depending on your microwave, there are two different approaches.

On a microwave-safe dish, arrange a single layer of frozen fish sticks. Place them on the perimeter of the plate; if you put them in the middle, they’ll cook faster than the rest. To get the best results, cook four to eight fish sticks at once. 

Whether you’re cooking or merely reheating fish sticks, you may do so in the microwave. No matter how strong your microwave is, this will only take 3 minutes to prepare. Microwaving, on the other hand, may change the texture and crispiness of fish sticks.

Microwaving fish sticks can be done in two ways. Both methods are effective provided you don’t miss a step.

Method 1: Using an 1100-Watt Microwave Oven 

As a general rule, you should keep an eye on the internal temperature of the fish stick. You would get good results if you cooked them to a temperature of 165°F or higher before serving. 

  1. Line a microwavable plate with parchment paper and get it ready to go in the microwave.
  2. Arrange the fish sticks in a single layer, leaving ample space between each one. Make sure the platter isn’t overloaded. Instead, microwave 4-8 fish sticks per plate in batches for best results.
  3. Put the plate in the microwave for 2 minutes on HIGH after it has been prepared.
  4. Heat for another minute after flipping the fish sticks.
  5. Remove the platter from the oven and set it aside to cool. Before serving, make sure the internal temperature is 165°F.

The last thing you want to do is speed the process. After all, microwaving is the quickest way to make food, so there’s no reason to hurry. If you skip these steps and heat the fish sticks on high for 3 minutes, you will notice a significant difference.

Delicious fish stick freshly bake in the oven.

Method 2: Using an 800-Watt Microwave Oven

The second approach shown here uses a microwave oven that is significantly less powerful, an 800-watt model to be specific. While the overall method is similar, there are some minor differences and adjustments needed to accommodate for the different power ratings of the appliances. Before you start, make sure to check the wattage of your microwave. 

  1. Using parchment paper, lay a flat microwavable dish.
  2. Place the fish fingers on top, spacing them evenly to achieve even heat distribution. It’s better to make batches of four to eight sticks.
  3. Heat for 1 minute on the highest power setting in the microwave.
  4. Remove the plate from the oven, flip the fish sticks, and heat for another minute.
  5. Microwave for another minute after turning the fish fingers one more time. You will have cooked them thoroughly at this point. Before serving, make sure you check the internal temperature.

Is It Safe to Microwave Frozen Fish Sticks?

Yes, frozen fish sticks can be microwaved safely. To avoid any undesirable hazardous food poisoning from consuming undercooked meals, make sure the internal temperature of the frozen fish sticks reaches 74 degrees Celsius or 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Microwaving frozen fish sticks is an entirely safe procedure. 

When done correctly on a browning tray, it has little effect on the taste or texture. Lay the frozen fish sticks in a single layer in the microwave to keep them safe. Overcrowding or stacking the fish sticks on top of each other will produce steam, making the fish sticks mushy.

Select medium power on a 1000-watt microwave and cook for 1 minute; turn all the pieces over and nuke for another minute. Repeat the process until the fish sticks are golden brown, steam has formed, and well cooked. Crispy fish sticks are also prepared in the microwave.

Microwave in the kitchen

Pros and Cons of Cooking Fish Sticks in the Microwave

People have different opinions about cooking fish sticks in the microwave, depending on the experience one gets. Some people get lucky, and the process is smooth and fast, whereas some face numerous challenges.


Many people find cooking fish sticks in the microwave more convenient than the other methods. However, one’s satisfaction depends on their tastes and preferences.

  • Cooking with the microwave oven is much faster than other traditional cooking methods such as baking or frying.
  • You get food sticks that are healthful and oil-free – Food prepared in the microwave oven is typically more nutritious. Unlike traditional cooking methods, it does not require the use of cooking oil.
  • Cleaning up after cooking with the microwave oven is quick and straightforward. Wipe up any food splatters with a moist cloth, and you’re done.


Every good thing comes with its share of drawbacks. Cooking fish sticks in the microwave is not an exception since it also has its negative side.

  • When microwaving fish sticks, keep in mind that you won’t receive the same crispy breading as when frying or baking them.
  • If I’m being sincere, microwaved fish sticks will not look anywhere as good as their baked and fried counterparts. Loss of texture and gloss that occurs when breading is exposed to heat directly is why.
  • Cooking with a microwave has a large margin of error, just like cooking with any other appliance. If you leave it too long or choose the wrong setting, you can end up with something unappealing.
6 Tips for Cooking Fish (so it Actually Tastes Good!)


Fish sticks are a quick and easy supper that you can prepare in minutes. They taste excellent when cooked in the microwave; however, the heating time must be precise. If you overcook the fish by a few seconds, it will become gummy; if you undercook it, you risk being unwell.

Nathaniel Lee is an avid cook, drawing on his decades of home cooking and fine dining experience. He is a contributing chef at Mashed, and his recipes and contributions have been featured in Tasting Table, Edible Arrangements, Insanely Good Recipes, and The Daily Meal.